Motorola Edge Plus smartphone to get Android 11 and 12 update, company confirmed India - MOTO has recently launched its flagship smartphone Motorola Edge Plus . This phone comes with Android 10 out-of-the-box operating system. The company has now brought a good news for users who buy Moto Edge Plus. The company has said that this phone will get at least two OS updates (Android 11 and Android 12). Not only this, the company has also hinted that if everything remains as per plan then the Android 13 update can also be rolled out for this phone in 2021. Motorola Edge Plus Specifications It is a single SIM smartphone that comes with a 6.7-inch full HD + OLED display. The phone gets HDR 10+ support with a 90 Hz refresh rate. This phone coming with 12 GB LPDDR5 RAM has Snapdragon 865 SoC processor. For photography, the phone has a 16-megapixel ultra-wide angle lens with a 108-megapixel primary sensor, an 8-megapixel telephoto lens, and a time-of-flight sensor. The phone...
WHO's Executive director says "May Corona will never go" | Corona Update | Corona Vaccine | Quarantine
Dr.Mike Ryan executive director of Who said, "May corona never go away, we have to live with it" Last Wednesday Dr. Ryan said Corona virus May Never Go, we have to live with it. There are many disease but "This virus just may become another endemic virus in our communities and this virus may never go away. HIV hasn't gone away," Ryan said. "I'm not comparing the two diseases but I think it is important that we're realistic. I don't think anyone can predict when or if this disease will disappear." In whole world there are 4.35+ Million cases and 297k deaths.